How important is Instagram if you already have a website with your dedicated work? Instagram is a mix of images of myself and images I created for clients/projects.

EG: First of all, your IG is your IG. There is no rule that you have to do X, Y, or Z. However, I do feel like it’s an important marketing touchpoint for people to see what you’re about. Even if that is all personal photos of your cats, or whatever. IG will probably be the first place a new viewer will investigate you, so keep that in mind. I think if your IG shows your personality (with personal photos or with work photos), then that’s good enough. 

CC: It sounds like you’re sharing what folks expect from a photographer’s Instagram. I know artists who, thanks to Instagram, have gotten job offers. I look at Instagram as an opportunity to keep folks updated on what I’m up to and gain insight on what I’m about, beyond my curated and designed website. It’s another avenue for people to see and find my work thanks to other people sharing and tagging, in addition to newsletters, editorial work, awards, etc. It can have as much of an impact on your marketing efforts as you make it so it’s really up to you how important you make it. Your website is where all your best work lives, but how do people find your website?