How do you figure out usage/licensing fees?

examples like “pricing buyout” “pricing social media” or browse through to see the thought process and context for commercial estimates. I used to cobble together estimates using these examples. Wonderful…

Any advice for up-and-coming photographers?

…guide. CC: Make the work you want to make, show it (perfection is the enemy of progress). Repeat. Be patient. Find a community for support and to support. Figure…

What do you bring to a meeting with a client?

…the ass to travel with and ship), recent work/image libraries/motion/personal work on an iPad, and leave-behinds (latest promo, postcards, etc). The iPad is helpful if a client comments on an…

How do I start assisting?

…a career in photography. Research. Interact. Repeat. This works for assisting, for magazines, for commercial clients, etc etc. If you’re cool, or talented, or a hard worker, or really pleasant,…

How do I find an agent?

…you don’t know how to research, network with and get the attention of agents, then you probably haven’t learned how to research, network with and get the attention of clients,…